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Portugal’s Sustainability Efforts: From Coal-Fired Power Plants to Renewable Energy and Carbon Neutrality

Portugal’s Sustainability Efforts: From Coal-Fired Power Plants to Renewable Energy and Carbon Neutrality

Renewable energy and sustainability are crucial for addressing the pressing issue of climate change. The burning of fossil fuels is the primary contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, which are causing global temperatures to rise and leading to severe impacts such as rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and loss of biodiversity. Transitioning to renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power, as well as implementing sustainable practices, can significantly reduce emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change. Additionally, investing in renewable energy and sustainability can also lead to economic benefits, such as job creation and energy independence. Climate action, including the transition to renewable energy and sustainability, is necessary to ensure a liveable future for current and future generations.


Portugal’s Progress in Sustainability 

Portugal has recently made a significant step towards sustainability by closing three of the largest CO2-emitting plants in the country: two coal-fired power plants in Sines (Alentejo Litoral) and Médio Tejo, and the oil refinery in Matosinhos. The 628-MW Pego power station was shut down on November 20, 2022, 10 days ahead of schedule, marking the end of coal-fired power generation in Portugal. The country joins Belgium, Austria, and Sweden as the fourth European nation to discontinue the use of coal.

The UN’s World Meteorological Organisation has directed for the world to double the supply of electricity from renewables by 2030 to prevent climate change from undermining global energy security. Portugal is working towards expanding its capacity for wind and solar power, currently, it holds 8th and 13th place in Europe respectively in terms of wind and solar power. 

Portugal has used natural gas-fired combined cycle power plants, like the one running since 2011 on the Pego site, next to the decommissioned coal plant. It is scheduled to run until 2035. Portugal had aimed to increase solar power production by 50% to three gigawatts in 2022 alone, according to a government estimate. The country is the perfect example of how once a country commits to quitting coal, the pace of the phase out inevitably accelerates. The advantages of switching to renewable energy sources are so substantial that it is logical to cease the use of coal quickly once the transition has begun.

As the cost of coal becomes increasingly unviable and public demand for climate action rises, many European countries are accelerating their phase-outs of coal. The challenge now is to ensure that utilities do not replace coal with other non-renewable or unsustainable sources of energy such as fossil gas or biomass. Portugal has implemented energy and climate policies that aim for carbon neutrality, primarily by increasing the use of electricity and rapidly expanding the use of renewable energy sources, along with increasing energy efficiency. The country is also working towards reducing its dependence on imported energy and ensuring affordable access to energy. In the long-term, Portugal plans to rely heavily on hydrogen to achieve carbon neutrality.

renewable energy

Portugal’s Sustainability Policies

In Portugal, the government has effectively implemented ambitious goals for renewable energy alongside supportive policies and incentives that make the transition to clean energy cost-efficient. The country was among the first in the world to set 2050 carbon neutrality goals. The European Union (EU) Emission Trading System (ETS) encourages GHG emissions reductions from Portugal’s energy-intensive industries and electricity generation. Portugal’s National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) sets 2030 targets for a 17% reduction of non-ETS GHG emissions and a 45-55% reduction in total GHG emissions (both compared to 2005 levels), energy efficiency (primary energy demand less than 21.5 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe), compared to 22.1 Mtoe in 2019, and final energy demand less than 14.9 Mtoe, compared to 17.1 Mtoe in 2019), renewable energy (47% of gross final energy demand, 80% of electricity generation, 49% of heating and cooling demand, and 20% of transport demand), 15% cross-border electricity interconnection (compared to 10% in 2019), and 65% external energy dependency (compared to 74% in 2019).

Portugal is definitely a great place to live for those who believe in green energy and sustainability because of the country’s strong commitment to renewable energy. Portugal has set ambitious targets for renewable energy generation and has made significant progress in recent years in increasing the share of renewable energy in its overall energy mix. Additionally, Portugal has implemented policies and incentives to promote energy efficiency and sustainable transportation, and has a well-developed network of bike lanes and public transportation. Additionally, Portugal has a mild climate and a diverse landscape, with plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities and eco-tourism.

carbon neutral

The government of Portugal recognizes the importance of using hydrogen derived from renewable energy sources to reduce the carbon emissions in industries that are difficult to decarbonize, as well as to reach carbon neutral status. The National Hydrogen Strategy, adopted in December 2020, aims to have 10% of hydrogen consumption coming from renewable sources by 2030. Portugal’s commitment to transitioning away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy and sustainability makes it an attractive place to live for those who prioritize the environment and a sustainable future. The country’s ambitious targets and competitive support measures, along with the focus on reducing energy import dependency and maintaining affordable access to energy, make it a leader in the push for carbon neutrality. With the added bonus of a good balance of ambitious targets and competitive support measures needed to drive a cost-effective energy transition, this makes Portugal is a great choice for those looking to live in a country that is taking steps towards a cleaner and more sustainable future.